As you can tell I have started my blog once again. After having the previous blog online for a few years, several hundred posts, thousands of photos of my travels the person who was hosting the site was shutting down his server. With work and life being as busy as they were I simply let the website go dark, with the intention of bringing it back online at some point.
Well today is that day, I will once again be sharing with everyone pictures from my many travels. Because of Covid I will be starting with the many places I have been in the last few years. These will include trips to Iceland, Czech, Arizona, Philadelphia, and others. Hopefully soon after that will start with new and exciting travels.
I hope everyone enjoys the offerings that I will be bringing them in this new and exciting start of my personal website. I promise to hang around for a few years this time, as it is being self hosted so I only have myself to blame if it goes dark now.